Other Richard Bowens

This page has something to do with Richard Bowen or Richard Bowens. Unless you are a Richard Bowen you are unlikely to be interested. Even if you are a Richard Bowen you are still likely to be uninterested. One of the main aims of this Richard Bowen in publishing this site is to determine how many Richard Bowen's are interested in a site named Richard Bowen (dot com) and then how many would want to be associated with it.

If you are a Richard Bowen get in touch and I'll tell you more: richard.bowen@richardbowen.com. Please note that I hardly ever read my email. I'm thinking of adding functions to allow other Richard Bowens to create their own profile pages on this site. I would be particularly pleased to hear from Richard Bowens who would like to be able to create their own profile here.

external links

First prize goes to ... Richard Bowen, the self confessed Hill Farmer, Environmental Scientist, Geophysicist, Explorer, Dot Com Entrepreneur, Historian, Author, Nature Photographer and Stand Up Comedian. Who also finds time to run run a site for Holiday Cottages in Wales. He was the first Richard Bowen to get in touch through this site. There'll never be another first. Maybe there'll never be another at all!

Richard Bowen at PerlMonks

Sites by other Richard Bowens

No notes here because these sites can speak for themselves.


Writing Services


MCIPR (whatever that is)

Clever Richard Bowens

an RB with a PHD 1 - 'Professor of Chemical Engineering'
and No. 1 on Google on June 23, 2007

an RB with a PHD 2 - 'Professor of Biomedical Sciences'
and in the top 10 on Google on June 23, 2007

an RB with a PHD 3 - 'Reader in Organic Chemistry'
and in the top 10 on Google on June 23, 2007

man of many talents inc. DIY

an RB with a PHD 4 - 'Professor of Psychology'

an MD RB

an RB with a PHD 5 - 'Professor of Psychology

(Almost) Famous Richard Bowens

Cinderella Moon ~ Director/Producer

Cinematographer (search on IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes)

Comedian! Cool. Doesn't seem very busy, though.

And in no particular order ...

These Richard Bowens have references on Google, WikiPedia, etc. but they are presently AWOL (from and Internet identity perspective).

... actually, I've found them all again.

Skipping for now

RB's found on Geneology Sites

Authors found only on Book sites (Amazon, et al)

N.B.AKA: Richard Bowen, Ric Bowen, Richie Bowen, Ricardo Bowen, Dick Bowen, Dickie Bowen

this Richard Bowen

Update 2013-04-04: Database of Richard Bowens

I think I'll create a database of Richard Bowens and allow us all to update our records. Do get in touch if you would like to be included: richard.bowen@richardbowen.com.